updated: 2017-12-18
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Book No. Cover
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Title Language / Author note
CE010 100 Master's Teachings(和尚法語) 100 Master's Teachings(和尚法語) LEETERS FROM VEN. MIU KING Mahayana (北傳)
CE016 地藏經, 英漢對照本•附序論 The Sutra of Terra-Treasure Chinese, English Mahayana (北傳)
CE024 佛法指南 A Dhamma Compass Chinese, English Theravada (南傳)
EN014 法句經 The Dhammapada Ven. Narada Theravada (南傳)
EN025 無憂無慮過生活 How to Live without Fear and Worry Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda Theravada (南傳)
EN036 繫念禪修法 Mindfulness in Plain English Ven. H. Gunaratana Theravada (南傳)
EN046 佛陀的古道 The Buddha's Ancient Path (佛陀的古道) Piyadassi Thera Theravada (南傳)
EN061 印光大師文鈔精華錄 Pure-Land Zen, Zen Pure-Land LETTERS FROM PATRIARCH YIN KUNG Mahayana (北傳)
EN063 佛陀的故事 The Story of the Buddha Association of Buddhist Women in the UK Children
EN083 人類的生活和問題 Human Life and Problems   General (通俗)
EN084 彌陀要解 Mind-Seal of the Buddhas Patriarch Ou-I Mahayana (北傳)
EN099 菩提樹 The Tree of Enlightment Peter D. Santina General (通俗)
EN101 Pure Land Of The Patriarchs Pure Land Of The Patriarchs Zen Master Han Shan Mahayana (北傳)
EN110 Food For The Thinking Mind Ven. K Sri Dhammananda Theravada (南傳)
EN123 地藏經 The Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha's Fundamental Vows   Mahayana (北傳)
EN125 了凡四訓講記-淨空法師 Changing Destiny Ven. Chin Kung Mahayana (北傳)
EN130 念佛四十八法 TAMING THE MONKEY MIND Cheng Wei-an Mahayana (北傳)
EN132 佛陀的啟示 What the Buddha Taught Walpola Rahula Theravada (南傳)
廣欽老和尚開示錄 Analects of Master Kuang-Chin Master Kuang-ch'in Mahayana (北傳)
EN164 寂靜的湖水 A Still Forest Pool, The Insight Meditation of Achaan Chan Ven. Ajahn Chah Theravada (南傳)
EN169 本無阿姜查 No Ajahn Chan- Refections Ven. Ajahn Chan Theravada (南傳)
EN178 地藏經 (萬佛聖城國際譯經版) Sutra Of The Past Vows Of Earth Store Bodhisattva   Mahayana (北傳)
EN183 A Composition Urging the Generation of the Bodhi Mind C'han Master Shin-Hsien Hsing-An Mahayana (北傳)
EN189 Present Moment Wonderful Moment Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh Mahayana (北傳)
EN190 Venerable Acariya Mun Bhuridatta Thera Acariya Maha Boowa Nanasampanno Theravada (南傳)
EN209 Mindfulness with Breathing Buddhadasa Bhikkhu Theravada (南傳)
EN221 Heart of a Buddha(64K) Shi Wuling Mahayana (北傳)
EN232 Mahayana Buddhist Dictionary, 北傳佛學字典 The Seeker's Glossary of Buddhism   Mahayana (北傳)
EN238 Noble Strategy , Essays on the Buddhist Path Ven. Thanissaro Bhikkhu Theravada (南傳)
EN280 了凡四訓 Liaofan's Four Lessons Translated by Silent Voices Mahayana (北傳)
EN306 阿彌陀經, 觀無量壽佛經, 普賢行願品, 普門品 合刊 The Smaller Sukhavati-Vyuha; The Sutra of Visualizing The Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life; Discourse on Samantabhadra's Beneficence Aspirations; The All-Sided One Translated into English from Sanskrit MSS by F. MAX MULLER; Translated into English from Chinese Version by Bhikkhu Assaji; Translated into English from Chinese Version by Simpei Shao; Translated into English from Sanskrit by JAN HENDRIK KERN Mahayana (北傳)
EN314 Theravada Buddhist Dictionary, 南傳佛學字典 Buddhist Dictonary(Pali-English) Ven. Nyanatiloka Thera Theravada (南傳)
EN318 Simple Teachings on Higher Truths Simple Teachings on Higher Truths Theravada (南傳)
EN360 Kamma & The End of Kamma Kamma & The End of Kamma Ajahn Sucitto Theravada (南傳)
EN371 Empty Cloud(虛雲老和尚自傳) Empty Cloud(虛雲老和尚自傳) TRANSLATED BY CHARLES LUK Revised and Edited by Richard Hunn Mahayana (北傳)
EN378 The Lotus Sutraof Wondrous Dharma The Lotus Sutraof Wondrous Dharma Mahayana (北傳)
EN381 Everthing Is Teaching Us Everthing Is Teaching Us A Collection of Teachings by Venerable Ajahn Chan Theravada (南傳)
EN383 Into the Stream Into the Stream Theravada (南傳)
EN385 Verses of the Senior Monks(長老偈) Verses of the Senior Monks(長老偈) Theravada (南傳)
EN386 Thus We Heard recollections of the Life of the Buddha Thus We Heard recollections of the Life of the Buddha Theravada (南傳)
EN388 Your Questions, My Answers on Buddhism & Experience Your Questions, My Answers on Buddhism & Experience Theravada (南傳)
EN389 Chanting for Meditators A Monthly Schedule from Myanmar Chanting for Meditators A Monthly Schedule from Myanmar Theravada (南傳)
EN390 Dhammapada 法句經 Dhammapada 法句經 Theravada (南傳)
EN391 The Sutta Nipa-ta The Sutta Nipa-ta Theravada (南傳)
EN395 small Boat,Great Mountain small Boat,Great Mountain Amaro Bhikkhu Theravada (南傳)
EN397 Descriptive Analysis of Numerical Terms in Buddhism Descriptive Analysis of Numerical Terms in Buddhism Ven.K.Dhammasiri Theravada (南傳)
EN400 Meditation : Buddhism in Practice Meditation : Buddhism in Practice Theravada (南傳)
EN401~EN405 Buddhist Tales for Young And Old, Volume1~5,Stories of the Enlightement Being,Jatakas1-250 Buddhist Tales for Young And Old, Volume1~5,Stories of the Enlightement Being,Jatakas1-250 Chinese, English Children
EN431 Insight into Buddhist Meditation Insight into Buddhist Meditation Theravada (南傳)
EN432 BREATHE! YOU ARE ALIVE (Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing) BREATHE! YOU ARE ALIVE (Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing) Theravada (南傳)
EN433 INTERBEING Fourteen Guidelines for Engaged Buddhism INTERBEING Fourteen Guidelines for Engaged Buddhism Theravada (南傳)
EN434 A MANUAL OF KEY BUDDHIST TERMS,Categorization of Buddhist Terminology with Commentary A MANUAL OF KEY BUDDHIST TERMS,Categorization of Buddhist Terminology with Commentary Theravada (南傳)

®2000 - 2016 The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation

CE011 ����璆剝�梶�� The Buddhabhasita Dasabhadra Karmamarga Sutra English, Chinese Mahayana (��堒��) Lưu